NVIDIA makes a world premiere of his new video card, this time we have the second version of the GF110, the GeForce GTX 570. A video card that comes to replace the GTX470 but with specifications that place it very close (or on) the GTX480.
With the holidays over, and the date of Christmas quickly approaching, hardware manufacturers need to pull products attractive to consumers, which are why, a good strategy to launch products close to the date, ensuring multiple purchases. NVIDIA has it more than clear, and launch this new video card with instant (Hard Launch) worldwide.
Another thing that is promised is that this card is 25% faster than the GTX 470 and also higher than the HD5870 and HD6870. All that we see in the following pages. But it's a good bet by the Santa Clara Company, to attract that market, "Performance", which seeks an excellent performance. However, AMD took a big hit with their HD6800 as it places them in a price range attractive to consumers, something that NVIDIA will know how to deal and excel with a product that offers performance overshadow the price difference.
Taking the specifications of this new NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 card put it on par with the others.
As can be seen in the table above, this card is to position the pair of AMD's HD 5870 in price and natively replace the GTX 470. Let's see what this looks and then those numbers that much interest.
This NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 graphic card latest price in Indian rupee is near about Rs.18999/-