Actress Lakshmi Rai, who is introduced to Tollywood with the movie "Kanchanamala Cable T.V" in 2005, is now in front of the gates of golden chance. Famous Hollywood director James Cameroon who directed the world class movies "Titanic" and "Avatar" is now thinking of choosing Lakshmi Rai in his next film.
If this decision is conform, Lakshmi Rai is expected to get the honor of international recognition. Even though she just did one film in Tollywood, Lakshmi Rai acted beside most of the top Tamil, Kannada and Malayali actors and achieved good name and fame and at present.
she got another chance to act beside Yuva Ratna BalaKrishna. Now she is standing in front of the gates of golden chance waiting to hear the good news. Lakshmi Rai is going to U.S.A to have a discussion on this issue. If she gets this chance, for sure her popularity will reach the skies.