Even before the box office verdict of his latest film Dongala Mutha would come out, RGV has moved on to his film. He claims that the film is based on contemporary politics and he has tentatively named it as Reddy Garu Poyaaru. The first draft of the film has already been written. He tweeted saying that, “'Reddy Gaaru Poyaaru' is primarily going to be about the conspiracies behind the conspiracy theories.”
It would be interesting to see who would play the lead role in the film. Few days ago, rumours were abuzz that Prakash Raj would play the lead role in one of RGV upcoming films and also that RGV is planning to shoot his next with a cellphone after experimenting with Cannon 5D! Could all this be true? Only RGV knows the answer. Let’s wait for some more announcements about the concept and cast of this RGV latest film.