RGV Statement on Satya Sai Baba

The three letters RGV means only one thing an opposite to anything and everything. Even God is no exception. Yes, the noted director believes in defying the regular and loves the irregular. As usual, Ramu got his eyes on Satya Sai Baba and came up with a flurry of tweets. Here they go.

“Am praying hard to the almighty puttaparthi sai baba to use his Godly powers to make himself healthy....I sooo hate to see God bedridden!”

“God is a Baba to Babas but Babas can never be Gods to Gods”

“Babas think they are Babas because they think they are Gods but becos Gods don't think Babas are Gods Babas again become Babas”

“God is the biggest Baba and if any Baba thinks he is God then God will make him just a Baba”

“I am on my way to Shirdi Baba to pray for Sai Baba”

“A dead Baba will always be more powerful than an alive Baba because the dead can't die and the alive can't live”

“Dead Babas power is you can neither put them in hospital nor kill them but thy can put you in hospital and kill you. moral of story. Better to pray to Dead”

The above statements look quite ambiguous and many believe him to be an atheist. However, those who are analyzing Ramuism say “If he is a true atheist then he can’t take movies like Govinda Govinda or Daiyyam. Only when he has a strong conviction about God and Ghost he will come with such films. One who believes in Ghost certainly believes in God.”

Another analyst added “By giving such statements, Ramu tries to project himself in a different angle but that isn’t true. Maybe he felt that people didn’t catch the satire in his 1st statement, he has given the following sets of statements.” Wonder what Ramu has to tweet about this.

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